A Time to Refresh

23 05 2008

If you ever get the chance to take a couple of weeks, or ideally a month, to simply refresh – then do so. Consider it a time to relax and enjoy the world that can sometimes get away from you, drag you down or devour you in its clutches. It’s easy to forget you, no matter who you are, and no matter how strong a character you hold, you can lose it from time to time and that’s alright.

A time to refresh can bring profound revelations, awe-filled moments of clarity, solo laughter or simply a path to follow… and often that path was right there all along, nudging you down it, yet the moments of life took place and created a fog around it. In the thick of it all you somehow got lost, but the true you was there all a long. The day-to-day can bring you into the fog, and a time to refresh can bring you of it, thus leaving you with only you.

Enjoy those couple of weeks, or at best a month, but be certain not to exceed this time, unless you know you truly need it, and you will. To venture beyond the realm of where you have once again found yourself is to become idle, and this is by far worse than ever getting lost in the “midst”. To idle is to truly lose oneself and escape in a manner of which return is unfeasible.

Find yourself, be yourself, maintain and hold onto it always.

A wise fortune cookie once beheld, “idleness is the holiday of fools.”

Algo and the Funky Rhythms

2 05 2008

Perusing the web has quickly become a symphony of algorithms… if it wasn’t – how would anyone find anything worthwhile?

Back in the day it was easy to create ham with a “sp” batting lead-off. Now, thanks to Algo and the Funky Rhythms it requires something witty… something relevant… something informative… Why? So we don’t have to sift through garbage.

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a ton of trash out there on the web and you know what? I don’t want to sift through it, but somebody’s got to. That’s where Algo and the Funky Rhythms perform concerts of epic caliber. They filter the junk, categorize, and move it to the bottom of the pile. Whereas the quality stuff is filtered through and placed in a pile where it has a chance to eventually move to the top.

Ever wonder who puts the hawt post where it’s at, or the featured post for each category? Algo and the Funky Rhythms that’s who. That’s their tune, and if keeps me from sifting through garbage… I’ll listen.